REACH Global Health Lecture Series

The REACH Global Health Lecture Series

The series was created in 2021 and is presented throughout the year during dedicated protected academic sessions for pediatric residents.

Lecture topics include:

  • Introduction to Global Health: Who’s Involved and is any of it Working?
  • HIV: Historic and Global Perspectives
  • War and Health: The Origin, Practice and Mission of Humanitarian Medicine
  • Refugee Health: International and Local Perspectives
  • Native American Health: Disparities and Solutions
  • Measles: Global and Local Perspectives
  • Malaria: New Reflections on an Ancient Disease
  • Severe Acute Malnutrition: A Global Pediatric Crisis
  • What Works: Cases of Proven Global Health Successes
  • Vaccinations: Global Failures, Successes and Strategies
  • Climate Change and Global Health
  • Fever in the Returned Traveler
  • Introduction to Emergency Care in the Global Setting
  • Global Health Ethics

If you are a Baystate (or outside) residency program director and are interested in any of these lectures for your residents, please contact Kate Murphy.

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