Health Professions Education Research

Fast Access to Reliable Health Sciences Information

Baystate's Library and Knowledge Services offers quality information resources and knowledge services to clinicians, faculty, students, and researchers—providing efficient access to thousands of digital and print knowledge resources, major databases and clinical information tools.

Our library professionals are here to help provide accurate and timely evidence-based information at the point-of-care or at other convenient locations. (Photo: Librarians Ellen Brassil, Manager, Sandy Savenko, Sharlene Pepin, Bridget Gunn, Maria Roman)

Just a Few Ways We Can Help

Literature Searches

We do expert online literature searches—and provide evidence-based medicine support, help with critical appraisal, etc.

And, our robust document delivery service to obtain books and journals and references in your search results is free of charge!

Point-of-Care and Clinical Decision Support

We provide access to several mobile apps and mobile-optimized websites, including clinical decision-making tools VisualDx and UpToDate.

Find Scholarly Work at Baystate Health

Scholarly Commons is a repository of scholarly works, consisting of abstracts and citations, that showcase research and expertise within our institution. 

Submit your own research.

For More Information

Email Us 413-794-1865

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