Environment and Sustainability

Climate change and global issues have an impact on health & health equity. Institutions like Baystate Health are addressing these factors in healthcare.

close-up of earth as a water-drop on a blade of green grass
close-up of earth as a water-drop on a blade of green grass

Our Impact

At Baystate Health, our purpose is to provide the best in patient care every day. From delivering newborn babies into the world and conducting life-saving surgeries to helping a patient manage chronic illness or receive hospice care, your health and well-being are at the forefront of our minds. However, as we treat patients in the here and now, we are also looking ahead to pave the way for a brighter—and healthier—future.

The reality is that treating patients isn’t always enough to keep them well. Global factors like climate change, human rights crises, and working conditions have a broad impact on health and health equity, and healthcare institutions like Baystate Health, have an important role to play in minimizing these factors. By putting our purpose at the core of what we do, Baystate Health has initiated an ingrained and integrated response across the entire health system. We have a duty to not only be a point of care within our own walls but to be good global citizens and stewards of the best interests of the communities we serve.

It is a profound calling, but one that we are meeting head-on. To best measure our success, we are utilizing three areas of impact—Environmental Impact, Social Impact, and Governance Impact. These areas focus on the environment and sustainability; charity, health equity, and giving back; and corporate responsibility.

As we work towards a greener, healthier, and more just tomorrow, we hope you will join us as we examine our practices, upgrade our facilities, and expand our philanthropic efforts.  

Environmental Impact

Environmental Impact is how Baystate Health manages and reduces our effect on the environment and increases our resiliency to climate change. Creating more sustainable and eco-friendly practices will not only minimize our ecological footprint but help us continue to provide the best in patient care.

Environmental conditions are inextricably connected to overall human health. As our planet battles the effects of climate change and pollution, people become increasingly sick. However, these types of illnesses are avoidable, and our role is to prevent patients from seeking our care due to environmental decline.

  • Energy usage and efficiency
  • Climate change strategy
  • Waste reduction
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Carbon footprint reduction

Social Impact

Social Impact describes the relationship between Baystate Health and the community that it serves, from patients and employees to supply chain partners. Fulfilling our social responsibility is not only the right thing to do, but it is part of who we are.

Governance Impact

Governance Impact measures how well Baystate Health is managed and emphasizes system-wide transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior from leadership. Operating with integrity and honesty is integral to our mission.

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