Breastfeeding Support & Classes

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We're Here to Help You Breastfeed Successfully

Breastfeeding offers many benefits to both you and your baby. Even so, it can be one of the more difficult parts of being a new mom. Baystate’s specially trained nurses and certified lactation counselors understand. We’re on hand to help you start nursing comfortably and confidently.

Our lactation nurses support you as you’re recovering from delivery, and even after you’ve returned home. We help new moms at every stage of their breastfeeding journey, answering questions about:

  • Best breastfeeding positions
  • Breast pumps
  • Continuing to breastfeed when you return to work
  • Correct latching technique
  • Engorgement
  • How partners can support a breastfeeding mom
  • Nutrition while you’re breastfeeding
  • Safety of medication while breastfeeding
  • Sore nipples and clogged ducts
  • Stimulating your milk flow
  • Tips for introducing a bottle

Call us at 413-794-5515 to request our Breastfeeding Consultation Services book—a detailed guide to breastfeeding, the first 24 hours as a new mom, how to care for your breasts as you nurse, and your baby’s growth. Watch the below video to learn more about our available breastfeeding support. 

Lactation Services at Baystate Health

Baystate Health lactation specialists offer support to new moms after delivery, including lactation consultation, breastfeeding classes, and home or telehealth visits for new moms. For lactation questions, call 413-794-5312 (option 1 to book appointment, option 3 to have lactation specialist call back for advice).

Lactation Consultation

If you answer “No” to any of the following questions — or have any other concerns — call a lactation consultant at Baystate.

  • Is your baby latching to the breast?
  • Does your baby feed at least eight times in 24 hours?
  • Is your baby having at least six to eight pale yellow wet diapers per day?
  • Have your baby’s stools changed from black to yellow by day 6?
  • Is your baby having at least two stools per day?
  • Do you notice your baby swallowing when breastfeeding?
  • Are your nipples free from extreme soreness or cracking by day 7 to 10?

Talk to a Lactation Specialist

Springfield: 413-794-5312 Greenfield: 413-773-2359

Breastfeeding Support Options

Inpatient/Post-Delivery Lactation Support

Experienced lactation experts are available at both Wesson Women & Infants’ Unit at Baystate Medical Center and The Birthplace at Baystate Franklin Medical Center.

Breastfeeding may be a natural function, but it does not always come naturally for mom or baby. Our experts can help you learn quickly how to make it a healthy and rewarding experience for you and your baby.

Virtual or In-Home
Free One-Time Telehealth or In-Home Lactation Support

In partnership with Welcome Family, Baystate Medical Center now offers one-time home visits from an experienced nurse/lactation consultant.

The program is for any mom with a newborn regardless of income, age, or how many children you’ve had before.

You’re eligible if you:

  • Are a mom of a newborn, regardless of your income, age, or how many children you’ve had before
  • Live in Springfield or Holyoke or delivered your newborn at Baystate Medical Center and live in a surrounding community
  • Are up to 8 weeks after giving birth
Schedule Your Home or Telehealth Visit

Call us at 508-498-9723, text “WF” to 508-498-9723, or complete our online form.

What to Expect From Your Lactation Support Visit

During your visit, you’ll have up to 90 minutes with an experienced nurse who understands what you’re going through and who is there to answer your questions.

You and your newborn will receive a clinical assessment, and you’ll get information about:

  • Baby’s weight and health
  • Calming your baby
  • Eating well to keep you and your newborn healthy
  • Feeding your baby, including lactation consultation
  • Becoming a new parent
  • Community resources

We will call you to follow up two to three weeks after your visit.

Breastfeeding Classes and Groups

Baystate Medical Center

Note: Express bundles include additional parent and breastfeeding classes (Infant Care, Prenatal Breastfeeding, and Baby's Home! - Now What?). Please remember to choose your dates for the additional classes before you finish registering.

Virtual Prenatal Breastfeeding Class - $30

Receive the most current information on breastfeeding, including helpful tips and techniques using the Zoom meeting platform from the comfort of your own home.


Prenatal Breastfeeding Class - $30

Receive the most current information on breastfeeding, including helpful tips and techniques.


Baby's Home! - Now What? Virtual Class - Free

Taken after you deliver, this class provides postpartum support for new parents and provides information on newborn behavior in the first few weeks of your infant’s life.  This unique class is offered on the Zoom meeting platform.


You’ll learn about:

  • Feeding cues for breast and bottle feeding
  • Infant sleep patterns
  • Comforting a crying infant
  • Returning to work
  • Continued support for breastfeeding moms
  • Pumping techniques
  • Storage of breast milk.

Breastfeeding Question and Answer - (by Zoom)

If you are a pregnant, breastfeeding or pumping mother please feel free to join us to ask one of the Baystate Medical Center’s International Board Certified Lactation Consultants your questions and get some tips and advice on breastfeeding.

Every Wednesday, 1 pm - 2 pm

To Join by device: Join through Zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 953 6138 5597   

To join by phone (would not be face-to-face) Tap to call in from a mobile device +1 646 558 8656

Contact: 413-794-5515

Mother To Mother Group

Join us to find community and make lasting friendships as we support one another through the rollercoaster of parenthood. Topics include the challenges of parenting, recognizing postpartum mood changes, breastfeeding, baby milestones and more. Snacks provided!

  • Facilitated by the parent education and lactation departments 
  • Every Thursday, 11 am - 12:30 pm
  • Baystate Corporate Offices, 280 Chestnut St. 3rd Floor, Room 3A
Baystate Franklin Medical Center

Virtual (WebEx) Prenatal Breastfeeding Class - $25

This unique virtual class will take place on May 28, 2020 from 6 - 8 pm.

Receive the most current information on breastfeeding, including helpful tips and techniques.


Breastfeeding Support for Parents - Free

Breastfeeding Support is open to all parents. This is facilitated by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

Wednesdays 11 am - 12 pm
OB Classroom
For more information, call 413-773-2331


Virtual Breastfeeding Group - Free

This is open to any parents looking for breastfeeding support. Gather with other parents looking to troubleshoot breastfeeding issues with one of our lactation consultants.  Ask us your questions over the WebEx app and grow confident in feeding your new baby.

Wednesdays, 11 am

To join by device: Join by WebEx

WebEx Meeting ID: 476 732 421   

To join by phone (would not be face-to-face) Tap to call in from a mobile device +1-415-655-0003 US Toll, code 476 732 421#

Contact: 413-773-2331

Breastfeeding Support at Baystate Health

Frequently Asked Questions About Breastfeeding

Will I Make Enough Milk for My Baby?

Frequent feedings (every two or three hours) will stimulate your body to make adequate amounts of milk. Unless there are unusual circumstances, a mother's body responds to the frequent emptying of her breasts by replenishing with more milk—the theory of supply and demand.

How Long Does It Take to Breastfeed?

Soon after the baby is born, feedings usually take 15 to 20 minutes per side, and most mothers offer both sides at each feeding. Later, as the baby becomes more efficient, an entire feeding may only take 10 to 15 minutes! There may be times that a baby is completely satisfied after one side. This is normal. Always offer the second side, and if the baby does not take it, start on that side with the next feed.

Can Breastfeeding Prevent Illnesses?

Research provides strong evidence that human milk feeding decreases the incidence and/or severity of a wide range of infectious diseases, including:

  • Meningitis
  • Blood infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Respiratory tract infection
  • Intestinal and ear infections
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Late-onset sepsis in preterm infants

Some studies suggest decreased rates of sudden infant death syndrome in the first year of life and reduction in incidence of diabetes mellitus, childhood cancers, overweight and obesity, and asthma in older children and adults who were breastfed, compared with individuals who were not breastfed.

Does this mean breastfed babies never get sick? No—they can and do. However, the illness is generally less severe and lengthy than if the baby were not receiving his mother’s milk.

When babies are born, their immune systems are very immature, and they have less ability to fight illness-causing germs. Through your breast milk, you give your baby immunities to illnesses to which you are immune and also those to which you have been exposed.

What Is Colostrum? How Does It Benefit My Baby?

Your breasts produce colostrum beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the early days of breastfeeding. This special milk is low in fat and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies to help keep your baby healthy. Colostrum is extremely easy to digest and is, therefore, the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume (measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces) but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn.

When your baby is breastfed early and often, your breasts will begin producing mature milk around the third or fourth day after birth. Your milk will then increase in volume and will generally begin to appear thinner and whiter (more opaque) in color. In those first few days, it is extremely important to breastfeed your newborn at least eight to 12 times each 24 hours, and more often is even better. This allows your baby to get all the benefits of the colostrum and also stimulates production of a plentiful supply of mature milk. Frequent breastfeeding also helps prevent engorgement.

Why Should I Breastfeed?

Besides the fact that your milk is made especially by you for your baby, the following are true as well:

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends it.
  • Breast milk is always the right temperature and readily available.
  • Breast milk is free!
  • Breastfeeding decreases chances of baby developing allergies, asthma, ear infections, and respiratory infections.
  • Human milk is designed for human babies.
  • Breast milk is more easily digested than formula.
  • Breast milk contains immunities to diseases and aids in the development of baby's immune system.
  • Breast milk provides perfect infant nutrition.
  • Breastfeeding mothers spend less time and money on doctor visits.
  • Breastfeeding promotes bonding between mother and baby.
  • Baby’s suckling helps shrink the mother’s uterus after childbirth and helps prevent postpartum hemorrhage.
  • Nursing helps mom lose weight after baby is born.
  • Breastfeeding decreases mother’s risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer.
  • Breastfeeding helps to protect mother’s bones later in life.
  • Breastfeeding satisfies baby's emotional needs.
  • Formula-fed babies are more at risk for obesity in later life.
  • Breastfeeding results in fewer sick days for parents who are working or going to school.
  • Formula is expensive!
  • It is the greatest lifelong gift a mother can give her child.
How Do I Know My Baby’s Getting Enough Milk?

For the first six days, your baby should have as many wet diapers as the baby is days old (i.e., 2 days old/two wet diapers) and one or two stools. Once the milk comes in, you baby should have six or eight wet disposable diapers and at least one or two bowel movements in 24 hours. This usually indicates the baby is getting an adequate volume of your milk. Also, you will begin to hear gulps and swallows after the first two or three days, and you will also see the baby transition from having tight arms and fists when he is hungry to being relaxed like a rag doll when he is satisfied.

What About the Baby’s Father? Won’t He Feel Left Out if He Can’t Feed the Baby?

There are lots of things fathers can do with a baby besides feeding him. Bathing provides lots of skin-to-skin contact and fun, too! The father can massage and stimulate the baby a bit as he gets sleepy during a feeding and can check for relaxed arms as the baby feeds. He can bring you a glass of water or help out with household chores. If you choose to teach your baby to take a bottle after breastfeeding is well established (four to six weeks), the baby’s father can offer the bottle while you take a break or pump your milk.

Should Mothers Who Smoke Breastfeed?

Mothers who smoke are encouraged to quit. However, breast milk remains the ideal food for a baby even if the mother smokes. Although nicotine may be present in breast milk, adverse effects on the infant during breastfeeding have not been reported. The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes pregnancy and lactation as two ideal times to promote smoking cessation but does not indicate that mothers who smoke should not breastfeed.

How Long Should I Breastfeed?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a mother give her baby only breast milk for the first six months and continue breastfeeding for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mother and baby desire.

How Much Milk Should My Baby Get?

When mothers hear that colostrum is measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces, they often wonder if that can really be enough for their babies.

Your colostrum is just the right amount for your baby's first feedings! A 1-day-old baby’s stomach capacity is about 5 to 7 milliliters, or about the size of a marble. On the first day of life, a newborn’s stomach will not stretch to hold more. Therefore, extra milk is most often spit up.

By day 3, the newborn’s stomach can hold about 0.75 to 1 ounce, or about the size of a “shooter” marble. Small, frequent feedings assure that your baby takes in all the milk he needs.

Around day 10, the newborn's stomach capacity is now about 1.5 to 2 ounces, or about the size of a ping-pong ball. Continued frequent feeding will assure that your baby takes in all the milk he needs and that your milk production meets his demands.

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